Frequently Asked Questions

Do you ship internationally?

As I launch my website I have shipping options set to Canada and the U.S.A however, if you email me here we can discuss international shipping - I would love for you to have one of my prints.

How long will shipping take?

Please expect 2-3 weeks as my prints will be made to order. I am just starting my business so please be patient as I ensure everything is processed properly. Orders will have a tracking #.

When will you be selling ORIGINAL paintings?

I will post original paintings for sale on my website, June 13, 2023 at 12:00 pm PST. Email me here to receive a reminder.

How do you create your PAINTINGS?

I paint with acrylics (KROMA, Liquitex, Golden) on 250 g/m2 acid free paper (Fabriano)- I also paint on wood panels and canvas. I usually find a photo that I have taken through travelling or from my day-to-day life and use that as inspiration. Friends and family will also send me pictures after I hound them for several days, weeks, months, etc!!

How do i order a larger print than What is offered on your website?

I can do custom orders so please email me here and we can discuss specifics.